there's a wonderful relatively new book out by joan burbank called doug shoen nation. she tries to look at this climate of violence in the united states. but understand the gun culture on its own terms. i think is easy for a number of gun control advocates and anti daughters to write off gun in physicists as irrational or to write off their interest in firearms and that is a mistake. for make makes a conscientious effort to get inside the dun -- after visiting a number of gun shows and evaluating their ideas on politics, their ideas about firearms and their place in american history and society. that is a step in the right direction. creating a new sort of dialogue between those who are interested in firearms. let me say again i appreciate the opportunity to speak with you all. i hope we can treat this as a beginning of a conversation and beginning of a dialogue and not an end. we are at the end of our authors and books every weekend >> a former senior government staff member. we are -- we have been very involved in contributing in various ways to washington community.