i am doug streblow and eam an engagement coordinator on the outreach team. i am here to share our approach to putting together and designing the workshops and the activities that participants and you saw participated in. so as you see in this photograph up here, there are a couple of tools we used to engage participants right there on the table and around that table. you see worksheets on the table. participants were prompted through writing to start each of two activities that made up the bulk of our workshops. they were to write individually to answer questions and be prompted, and i will get into some of those details. what followed that was small discussions. each individual would share what they wrote. the ideas of what was coming up for them. and after that, as anthony described, we collectively shared out what was said and described at those small tables and discussed to the larger group. we wrote it on the wall so we could see what was coming up in these dialogues. so we kept iterating from the individual to the small group to the larger whole, and t