i wonder, and i'll bring doug wilder back. -- is this a continuation of a pattern? i teased at the end of last segment when there are civil rights failures at the local level, the state level. i know this is the story decades ago, generations ago, but again we see the federal government is sort of the -- it's the last bit of defense there when it comes to civil rights. >> well, i heard my good friend marc morial gave his explanation as to what's going on. i do agree with him that people should not give up and should have hope. and yet he being a lawyer himself recognizes that even asking the justice department to come in, there's no guarantee of anything to take place. they have this law in florida also that in order to maintain certain civil actions, you have got to have been proven to not been wrong yourself. and it's going to be very, very difficult in many instances. and yet that's what the justice department is there for. one of the things that chanielle was speaking to relative to virginia, even though -- i don't disagre