central character played by douglas booth, is entrusted to deliver a letter, which vincent wrote to hisays and he ends up speaking to everyone, to try to find out what happened, how it was that someone who seemed to be on the straight and narrow before their death, how he met this terrible ending. one of the characters he meets marguerite gachet, played by saoirse ronan. here is a clip. you want to know so much about his death, but what do you know of his life? i know that he tried hard to prove he was good for something. yes. he did. that's why i take flowers to his grave. that's all i can do for him now. he would appreciate the delicate beauty of their bloom. even each blade of their grassy stems. no detail of life was too small or too humble for him. now, i think it is the case that certain bits of the dialogue are a little on the nose, but i didn't care, because i was so entranced by the visuals. you saw, just from that, just how extraordinary it is. there are scenes that are done in monochrome, black and white, which are almost photo realist. so it goes from that to these much more