it goes all the way back to douglas brinkley, and a book he wrote called "the magic bus." he took 17 student across the country on a bus on a six week tour to understand history hands on. seven months later, the first c- span of buses was launched in november of 1993. we weet to schools across america who are partnered with our cable affiliates. in 1996, a second bus was launched, and we continued with the education outreach. in addition to community outreach, the buses were fully functional media's duty as. -- media studios. today marks a new day for us. this is our brand new digital bus. it is totally different from our other buses. it is a hands-on, multimedia demonstration center. >> why did you launch this new vehicle? >> the older buses were outfitted as production studios. they had a lottof space for it the switcher, the audio board. we wanted to bring the bus into the 21st century. this vehicle has interactive kiosks, laptops, an area where you can sign up for c-span resources. it is interactive, hands-on, itself guided. it gives our users and visitors and differen