. >> balsam fir, fraser fir, douglas fir. >> reporter: and jones says the most common question he hears exactly where most people go wrong! size matters. >> people pick out a tree that's just a little too big! >> clark, do you think there's enough room for the angel? >> it's a common story, they get it home, the tree is all wrapped up they open it up and whoomp! >> reporter: but for new yorkers, the forest actually comes to them. every year starting this weekend hundreds of stands appear overnight like magic on the city streets. as a subculture of tree sellers descends on our sidewalks. >> we have to teach people a lot. >> reporter: he's known simply as francois. new yorkers know him by name. and most new yorkers buy trees from someone like him, coming to the city just for the season. >> he's definitely part of my holiday ritual. >> is me and francois last year. its a yearly tradition in our >> reporter: francois is the focus of a new documentary called "tree man." he sells trees 24/7 every day until christmas, living out of a van parked on broadway. when is the best time to buy? tip nu