douglas johnston was introduced to this law firm that was, at that time, based in mcallister, oklahoma. and the situation was that there were people who were fraudulently being included on the tribal rolls that did not belong there. they had no legitimate claim whatsoever, but yet they were able to, through legal representation and be -- and persuasion, were able to gain access to the tribal rolls. and at this point in the beginning, in the early part of, early 1900s the dawes commission which was an adjunct of the earlier dawes commission that dealt with plains tribes, civilized tribes, they were in process of allocating or the legal term is allotting indian land which, i'll give you an example. let's say you drove a vehicle here that has four wheel on it. well, it belongs to you, but the government passes a law that says you have to retain one of the wheels for your car, and we're going to keep the other three, plus the car and anything that's left over, we will sell or do with as we wish. so you're taking property, real property or land that belongs to native americans and, basicall