douglas legg. >> okay. today we would like to show you the input presently focusing on position. >> thank you. we are joined by commissioner campos at this time too. >> good morning, commissioners, it's nice to see you all this morning. so we are going to talk about the core leadership competency that we were able to develop with the conversations with the commissioners. it's on this powerpoint presentation and in this document that you and in this document that you all have. [music] hello, i'm ivette torres, and welcome to another addition of the road to recovery . today, we'll be talking about obtaining and retaining employment for people in recovery. joining us in our panel today are david berns, director, district of columbia department of human services, washington, dc; dr. gary bond, professor of psychiatry, dartmouth psychiatric research center, lebanon, new hampshire; peggy burns, eap counselor, employee assistance program, university of maryland medical system, baltimore city, maryland; neli vasque