airway ceo douglas parker, and amr ceo douglas horton, welcome to you both. mr. ker to you first, on the senator's fears it would hut consumers, what do you say? >> well, we're happy to address the senator's concerns, this merger is great for consumers, we have two complimentary networks over 900 routes served by two airlines only 12 have which overlapped. we putting it two airlines and fly to more places for more people, it will be good for consumers. neil: do you get a sense. address this to you mr. horton, that there is a consolidation going on in the industry. after delta bought northwest, and united and continental, and southwest, and they are 4 super carriers here. so by just the virtue of fewer choices there is a fear that they will get stuck behind the 8-ball, lay the elay them of thr concern. >> i think it enhances competition, before this deal you had two mega-carriers with delta and united, now a third that is fully competitive with those two on a global basis if you look in global context, you have their global alliances, sky, star, -- star, sky team a