occupy wall street you know there was a paper done by one of their right wing democratic pollsters douglas shane recently trying to claim that you know this is a guy who is trying to say the tea party represents the the real america but the public overwhelmingly rejects the tea party when you look at the poll numbers and yet he's trying to say occupy wall street is too fringe or too extreme the exact opposite is true if you look at the public's opinion about issue after issue they're right in line with what douglas shane's own firm found when they did an informal poll of people down it's a comedy part which is they don't want cuts to medicare and social security they think the wealthy should pay their fair share which is to say a lot more in taxes and on and on and on and so on issue after issue this group really speaks for the united states but you have fox and all of the other media outlets telling them otherwise and you have a lot of so-called bipartisan centrists and democrats are out on the fringe themselves economically like doug richard allen for on one ambassador really make arlington st