my name is douglas yip. i've been in san francisco 65 years. i've seen everything and i barely, barely survived 20 years at san francisco general hospital. let's be honest. the reason why there are cuts for health care in san francisco, there are two bodies responsible for at least seven years, if not further. number one, mayor's office. number two, board of supervisors. during the last seven years, nothing has been done in regards to cutting the waste, inefficiency and corruption of department of public health. every single penny could be going to the poor people that you supposedly serve, but i don't see any audit. in my opinion, the mayor's office and all the past boards of supervisors have actively, actively prevented any full public audit of the department of public health. every penny that could have been saved over the years would have gone to the poor people. so, if all the poor people in san francisco have anybody to blame, i say hold a sit-in at every supervisor's office. hold a sit-in at the mayor's office and do not leave until they