the producer of the youth group, such a role about dougledgen, the screenplay actress has to get outage you find in others littorally beyond the threshold of one july, has already sounded to such a burrow, everything is wonderful. i hope to see you again. thanks a lot. i really hope that see you, goodbye, and we slightly, so to speak, corrected her acting perception with the fact that she herself as an actress on vot and why is this needed? eh, so that when a person tries, he shows his playing range as widely as possible, that is, not only what he came up with for himself due to the fact that he is an artist, but in showing as much margin as possible for the director, who will review these samples. la is what are you talking about? what you don't understand at all. no? girlfriend, you don’t understand anything , i understand that i was a fool to invite to my head. now i myself still don’t understand anything . the sound of azov on the right. and she was already uplifting everything about the films divers in the past, there are no seasoned ones, who am i smack posts ten jits. teme the