speak yiddish and cool sure pray three times a day and display no flag of support for israel rabbi dovid feldman says activism plays a strong role in the religious life of new tory courted jews and this includes meeting with leaders of muslim countries that have no problem. host choose. to have a serious problem with occupation which we have with. an agreement that has raised eyebrows members of natori courts i have spoken several times with iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad who they call a peace loving leader. we've publicly praised turkish officials and even traveled to the country last year visiting injured activists following the israeli raid on the gaza flotilla. very often overseas demonstrations against israel have turned violent from london and montreal to the middle east a bloody and bruising backlash has transpired critics have classified tory courted jews as extremists and israel supporters deem them as traitors even here in new york city. the. rabbi weiss is familiar with the dangers and that's around. ready to go live to see it it's very it's not an easy life devoted to their fa