jax hubbard is a nutritionist at downstate long island college hospital. hi, jax. >> hi there. >> jax, is breakfast really that important? >> yes, it really is. if you skip a healthy breakfast, chances are you'll be less alert, you'll have a shorter attention span, and you'll feel increasingly run-down as the day goes on. >> so i'm guessing doughnuts don't exactly fit in the picture here? >> definitely not. carbs alone will make you burn out fast. think of a combo pack -- protein plus carbs... >> some kids skip breakfast because they don't want to put on weight. what about that? >> they'll probably end up putting on more weight. kids who skip breakfast tend to eat more than they should at their next meal, and they snack more between meals. >> what about not having time to eat? >> trust me. the extra few minutes of sleep just aren't worth it. so set your alarm a bit earlier. if you're still worried about having enough time for breakfast, here are some suggestions. before you go to bed, make a hard-boiled egg or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. then in th