putting other terrorists on trial in downtown manhattan for an enormous risk as we propose the facility in chicago. it's a good reason why we have had a hard time transferring detainees in our country. terrorists should be held and tried as enemy combatants. keep terrorist out of america act will ensure we keep america as it is with the terrorist who tried to bring down flight 253. we are a nation at war. we should act like it. we need to send a clear signal to our friends and enemy that's this government will stop at nothing to protect our homeland. thank you for listening. >> you are watching c-span. coming up, the state of the state addresses by california and new york. and after that ceremonies in houston and atlanta. >> earlier this week, california state governor delivered his state of the state address. he won reelection in 206. he is not el gibble to run for office again. it is about half an hour. thank you senate president pro tem steinberg, speaker bass, senator hollingsworth, assemblyman blakeslee, attorney general brown, treasurer lockyer, secretary of state bowen, controlle