. >> i'm headed to a fund raiser they're holding in downtown montreal. for cancer. and apparently they have someone jumping off a cherry picker. the more money they raise, he higher it goes. he's going to jump into one of those life saving mats. >> that sounds great. we had him on the show many times before. he asks any chance i could attach a gopro. they're like not really. but then -- pretty cool. so the gopro starts heading up with the crazy guy that was going to jump. he goes full nick calderone. >> why are you all shooting vertically? >> listen to him. he is telling the truth, ladies and gentlemen. they're playing what i think is a relative appropriate song. okay, i'll jump! it looked even cooler from the top. if we could figure out anything is jumping is cool. >>> cynthia who watches on fox 43 in knoxville tennessee and donnie who watching in arkansas are the latest winners in the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. >> congratulations. you could win too. all you need is tuesday's buzzword, be at least 21 years of age, and be a legal resident of the u.s. or canada. >> st