marcell caped inju after a a one came crashing downwn jusus in awa a a llo rapid, t dre bre into pieces. someki resorts are even banni em. cluding cresesd butttt- prohibibin dresm any flyiyi o or thth slslsl or recordinininy y video. froro flyi ovesnow - - natural sasters drones have been used d captpte video o ke thia thousand-acre fireteer county las april. or th nkhole lt suer i colorado ris,s,howing the dedeh of the holehat t rmed and has one street still closededonths lar. 13: since we lost our air support program we've be log at u's. colorado springs police admit using dronon in ththr work i appeing. eutenant dan lofgren ran the police helicopt m untitiit ended in010. 3:1:1 theye obviously rable, you can get for 5 5 1 thousand. easily deploy. deployed to to give police offifirs erhead vie dubi c c c scenes, or t monitor traffic flow... t the dedertment is sitanto cocoit, until the f-a-a mplete its list of gutis. a then, ere's the sue sta's invoement.:32 we came real closeo eing the state decide wewd nene searchararar pererd. that bill failed, but ere's nothing to sayititon comomba