according to the dpc, that o quintile girons 55% of income and the huge burden, a hugehe amount of the federal tax burden. they say it is 67%..c. perhaps surprisingly find that e talkfest share of the t tax burn with the exception of the credit tax expenditures a taxpayer hasn to pay income tax to benefit from the tax deduction credit oe excursion asserting the tax expenditures are mainly wealthy taxpayer benefits are principally relying on the analy distribution analysis.onted if confronted with the dpc datae it seems to me they have fourthr choices.hoice it would the first choice would be to dor revise downward income basis of their definition of research. they can say we really did not mean families had $250,000 of income. income, we met families of $123,000 of income. the would be similar to thejuste adjustment made for obamacare. the tax distribution table for obamacare showed the otherelow family below $200,000 to receive the exchange credit for familier paid higher taxes. every middle class family that l receives a payment subsidy pays higher tax'ses that is just a fd >> the sec