because as a dpcompany, you hav to do several things and several succeed tremendously. several we wish had succeeded more but we learned from what we did there. >> and be allowed to fail. >> be allowed to fail. >> let's throw this up on the wall. >> google is all about failing fast. >> when you have facebook and you can't get in and see what's going on completely in facebook or some other site, when you have twitter moving so fast, these are the future of the web or at least the e citing parts -- exciting parts of the web, that's got to be a threat to the web. >> facebook is good for the web and whatever is good for the web, is good for google. as the web grows billions of dollars of advertising money comes online and we benefit from that as a business. facebook is a great service for its users. it has allowed many people to come online and we are benefitting from the growth of the web. i think there's enough space for both of us to exist in this open web eco-system and that's what keeps me so excited. >> ben, i have to cut you off there, go to commercial and our next g