. >> i wish i were dpliewgzal, but the sad truth is most americans don't even know who eric holder issurf, but have you to get into the real world sometime. for president obama to authorize leaks about secret programs and not tell anybody would be political suicide. >> i always wondered where folks who live in bermuda vacation. >> we're everywhere, rich! i dont have a piece of o'reilly's pub in ningbo. >> beyond flattered, malcolm. have a great time here in the usa. please, do not judge the american people by me and miller. details about the bolder, fresher show in chicago on our web site. >> well, you seem like a very bright guy, aidan. thank you for reading my book. finally, pinheads & patriots, unfortunately, there is an epidemic of dunnedderheads calling 911, the emergency line, to complain about trivial things. >> hi. specifically, little...: turkey... little ham >> obviously, that guy's a pinhead, no charges were filed. but i think we should start to fine people like that. 911 is a very tough job. or maybe they could have an electric current. there you go. that's it for us tonig