the inclusion by the security council in this agenda and by which to get involved in the dpr k human rights issue would go against the above goals and can only bring harm instead of benefits. thank you, mr. president. >> i would like to thank the representative of china for his statement. does any other member of the council wish to take the floor? i'm going to give the floor to the representative of australia. >> mr. president, thank you and thank you for convening this meeting. i will make only a few brief remarks. i would like to start by reading the letters of the group of 10 councilmembers addressed to you, mr. president, in your capacity as president of the council on five, december, 2014. the letter stated -- "we the undersigned members of the security council, australia, chile, france, jordan, lithuania, luxembourg, republic of korea, rwanda, united kingdom, and the united states are deeply concerned about the situation in the democratic people's republic of korea. we are particularly concerned by the scale and gravity of human rights violations detailed in the comprehensive