dr alton cast as a psychologist and probably more than anything else. is known for helping people manage i'm certain that and maintain optimum motivation and performance. in times of uncertainty. it's become a mission for me to help people out during this rough time because i feel like in my practice as a psychologist my clients are looking to me for answers my dissertation is the first study in the united states conducted in the last fifty years was called casualties of wall street and assessment of the walking wounded and my findings basically show that we are currently in a crisis of connectivity. with . we should not bail out those who made the reckless decision to buy a home they knew they could never afford. that word came up a lot o. greedy homeowners this isn't just about poor people who bought t.v. their second mortgages and it's their father and they were greedy that's the mentality blame the victim. i kept using my credit cards to live and then i got those where i was maxed out and. to be moving. i've got to go very soon within the next few w