dr. seuss the lorax dvd. and an actual book, dyeiary of wimp i kid number 7. a needle can be picked from a haystack if you have amanda hunts and gathers, and all the while, the bar codes tell the machines where everything will end up, even what size box the orders will go in. but in order to finish the job, it takes real human beings to wrap the christmas gifts? >> it does. the holidays is about gifts. this is something they wrap with care for another person. you know a machine-wrapped gift from a human-wrapped gift, and it's not the same. >> so this is how amazon loads its sleighs, so to speak. the boxes come in here, the bar code reads the box, the box gets put in the right chute which will take it to the right airplane, which will bring the package to an airport near you. >> reporter: that is, if you order on time. do you have reindeer? >> not that we publicly announce. those are for those last-minute shipments for people who really need the help. that's when we pull the reins. >> reporter: but don't press your luck. so other than getting me one of those vests, i have two thoughts. i am a customer, like seemingly