experience is because symbolic representations of experience in the region of the experience but dr chopra is indicating is a reciprocal nature of the mind in the brain we can physically pry the brain or chemically alter it with drugs or understanding of neuroplasticity informs us we can alter neural pathways and chemical tendencies within the brain based on our activities including meditation studies and trauma are demonstrating that the power of the mind can alter the brain using virtual reality the concept is that you basically create the context as best as possible for from the memory of the soldier and basically recreate the event by recreating the events over and over you're actually. releasing the energy that typically would people with p.t.s.d. when they're confronted with trigger stimuli in the real world like seeing trash bosso the road which brings back the memory and i. wrote sword there's activation in the brain causes this type. hyper road sort of thing you know somebody called startle response or you know but it's like if you go up to a butcher and put your arm on her back f