thought it actually had anything beyond a very sort of frivolous utility and then dr oliver sacks and dr connie to meno are two amazing. brain neuro scientists and they started this institute for music a neurological function what they've seen is that mean sick is a remarkably powerful healing modality. i mean when i talk about the sort of the healing effects of music it almost sounds like i'm indulging in hyperbole but it's truly miraculous like people who are a faith who've had strokes when they listen to their feet favorite music from childhood even if they've lost the ability to walk or speak they can still dance and sing and i know that sounds like the most absurd claim but dr sacks and dr tomato have documented this and they're going before congress to try and get more funding for music therapy because it really is phenomenal healing the only problem is it's hard to make money from it so clearly the pharmaceutical companies aren't too thrilled about. but i know that you testified in front of congress in two thousand and six about net neutrality when you get out there and testify about mus