former congressman dr gingry. he supports abolishing birth right citizenship. good to see you again. >> in 2010, you wrat that lawmakers that ratified the 14th amendment in 1868 couldn't predict the cot that anchor babies give. the cato institute found that changing the citizenship cause will cost households 2.4 billion a year to verify the birthplace of civilians. les talk about the economic sense of this. how does it make economic sense. before we get into that, let me correct a couple of things we said, that i was a lobbyist. i'm not a lobbyist. i have time out of a year before i can, if i decide to become a lobbyist. you said i have not given up the fight. i'm not really involved in the fight. i'm no longer a member of congress, but i was asked and accepted by al jazeera u.s.a. to give comments and opinions on the issue. it's an important issue. i have not changed the opinion. when we introduced a bill to eliminate citizenship. 1868, of course, when the 14th amendment was ratified. it's a misinterpretation. it's clearly a misinterpretation to say that the c