brown has written eleven books including the best selling nature's pharmacy she coauthored with dr lynne walker her latest book is a web of debt it's also the title of her website web of debt dot com where she focuses on an analysis of the federal reserve and the money trust the book explains how what she refers to as a private cartel is usurp the power to create money from the people set themselves and how we the people can get that power back my pleasure welcome to our studios in los angeles ellen welcome. thanks for joining us according to margaret kennedy a german researcher who has studied this issue extensively and you cite interest now composes forty percent of the cost of everything we buy here in the united states i don't see in the sales slips but interest as it does exists exacted or extracted or both at every stage of production suppliers need to take out loans to pay for labor and materials before they even have a product to sell for government projects can be found that the average cost of interest is fifty percent it looks like a vat tax on steroids and why doesn't anybody in ame