. >> some of the strongest criticism comes from dr michael segal. he said that the authors seemed to have an axe to grind. i could argue that he says what the study shows is that people who are heavy smokers are attracted to e-cigarettes because they are looking to quit. how do you sonned to that? >> i would say what you found was they were less likely to have stopped smoking. i think it counters a second argument. you know, i think the most important thing is to focus on the findings. we can talk about my personal opinions about e-cigarettes, but the most important thing is what the data shows. if you read the study, you know what it shows, we are talking about high-quality data from the c.b.c., high quality analysis, and two educated researchers trying to express these findings, not only in the paper, but also to the public. comments about our personal opinions, that's not going to be paper. >> a lot of studies will have to continue to be down on this as it changes the whole world. good to have you with us. thank you. >> switching topics to a drin