forum again mr vice president i notice you talking to a lot of academics you were talking to dr noam chomsky today intellectuals filmmakers activists you were talking to all over stone as well i'm wondering what you think is going to be the big takeaway from this conference and what you're hoping to share with the people back in bolivia when you go home this weekend i mean there will probably be. a take back with me if i fix the profound introspection that is happening here and on the on the sharpness and analysis within a global context. and also the framing of a governing structure that expire predates energy within the experience people's dreams and in the many ways that the time and energies of a society are channeled in fragmentary ways that tears apart community effect i mean that is what i will show you. that i take with these experiences as what should not be done there in the decisions must be taken to prevent society from breaking down into micro particles separated from one another and each one wagering to their own benefit before them tossing aside the commons meaning so going on