this global struggle and i wanted to actually mention a podcast that you just had with dr ron paul congressman ron paul which really does showcase how there's a lot that libertarians and leftists can agree on we can unite on a lot of things against the establishment instead of having such a fragmented opposition how can we focus more on this unification. what are going to be a number of different coalitions and coming together that will surprise people that brother ron paul. and brother rand paul i come together with in terms of their defense of rights and liberties. the drones have been the focus of the thirteen hour filibuster brother rand paul thought it was wonderful i wish that he had talked about not americans as well as americans but at least the issue of received a certain publicized invisibility when it comes to ron paul and we have come together with him and his powerful rejection of the patriotic act his powerful rejects in the national defense authorization act where the president has the right to detain american citizens without due process without a trial without any judicial process what