dr. shini somara, a mechanical engineer. tonight, can doctors save lives by bringing them into suspended ant i medication? dr. dilworth, a molecular scientist and i am phil torres. i am an entomologist. >> that's our team. let's do some noedz /* [ music ] >> guys, welcome to "techknow." joining me are car a santa maria, shini somara and krista dilworth. i am excited for today's episode because it involves one of the best animals out there, man's best friend, the dog. and cara, you got to play with a bunch of dogs. we know dogs make us happy but they can also potentially make ? >> yeah. so there is evidence to show that dogs can actually detect cancer. and i got to visit the laboratory, some training facilities and even meet a woman whose dog detected her breast cancer. let's check it out. -year-old who grand chap pin rain dance or just plain troy as his family calls him is a pure-bread show dog but to his distinction. >> definitely credit him with saving my life. there is no question about it >> diane's family has a history o