that there's some damage than there go off to sioux falls and that's usually airplane ride and to dr sue falls is probably four and a half to five hours so there they go there to rapid city they can stay there anywhere from three to seven days and then they come home and that process isn't working why the indian health service lost a lot of money they took you know from the budget and right now if even if we just had safe houses it would help us because every time we send somebody to rapid city to sioux falls or scottsbluff that's thousands and thousands of dollars just the airplane ride alone from here to rapid city is going to run you thirteen thousand dollars just their airplane right and then by the time we get them there and the ambulance picks them up and get some to where they need to go it just it just adds up so you know financially it's really taken its toll on what we have to do to keep our kids alive do you think of the struck. of native american culture and spirituality coupled with the advent of technology is responsible for some of these trends if you were me i mean if you could