dr susan o'reilly director of the national cancer control program. isolating dr riley these projections makes for depressing had done. it will wake up call. i don't find it depressing because they would expect it that may tell us that the cancer is a disease rising in ireland. simply because people against a potent cancer because more often people over sixty to some of this is indeed an inevitable consequence of the aging of the nation something that is related to lifestyle so the things that your business and they can do that can help themselves and their family in tears and positioning themselves to reduce the risk of cancer or even getting near the diagnoses and a cure if they know how to go but its ageing population it is the main reason behind it is this the baby bill in the fifties and sixties and early on when silence at the country with that but people continued to have done a lot of babies and now as those children age they become as high risk of getting chances to some of the station agent is nothing to fix ask that the nep and it depicts ho