dr. amit singhal is the highest honor for an engineer, they build self-driving robots on the car just for fun. he is responsible for the ultra secret search algorithm. which means he is rarely allowed to talk to the press. joining us is kim mcnichols on ben parr from marshable. earlier this week, there were reports google was stealing their search results. you kind of led the bing sting, did you not? >> i did. it was a scientific experiment. >> we prefer "bing sting." kind of has a ring to it. >> it's your show, so havicours. >> why the need for a bing sting. last summer, when we were working on the system, which is incredible useful for me. >> i use it. >> we had been working really hard. the team had been working really hard to improve spelling for hard to spell terms, like a rare medical procedure. and what we noticed last summer, around june time frame while we were working on that system for a misspelling of that rare word, we got the spelling right and started returning to users the best results for the query. a few weeks later, our top result, only our top result started appearing