dr. andrew wakefield in a moment. but, first, a look back at how the controversy started. dr. akefield's 1998 study, suggesting the possibility of a link between autism and the mmr vaccine gave many parents around the world a reason to stop vaccinating. and parents of children with autism a possible answer to the devastating question of why. >> they took their children to be vaccinated and then something happened. their children fell apart. >> in the years following his publication in "the lancet" no large-scale study could reproduce exactly what dr. wakefield's small study found and to investigative reporter, brian deere, that raised more questions than answers. >> he was not an independent researcher. >> deere learned he was working in a class-action suit planned against makers of the mmr by parents who believed their children were damaged by the vaccine. >> dr. wakefield was being paid by a firm of lawyers for two years before he ever published this report. >> no disputing that? >> no disputing that. >> deer says it was a conflict of interest that should have been disclosed