dr. aragon. we did a short, quick update through my director's report regarding our epic update, and there was a question from the commissioners on that, and i did want someone to come and speak on that. >> okay. please. >> let me take you through this. >> could you speak more into the microphone. >> i surely will. >> thank you. >> so i was going to take you through a little guide of our epic phases. i'm currently the acting director positiof d.p.h. and we for the original implementation of envision c.p.r. next month will mark my 20th anniversary with d.p.h. so epic is however much larger than any of our previous implementations, and -- let me get the presentation up for you. should be seeing that on your screen. it's much larger, like i said, than anything else that we've done in the past. but we are ready for it. we've been preparing for quite sometime, and i want to take you through a few things that we're doing to prepare for it. we are continuing to update the equipment in the network for th