dr. bahir is calling ahead and letting his guys know we're on the way. bahir is worried about attracting attention. at several points we're told to hide the camera. eventually, we pass through last pakistani checkpoint. from here on in, we're on our own. so all of this area is under -- >> it's under our command. >> yes. >> this is actually the camp. >> it is a huge camp actually. this is bahir. >> and the arms -- >> they are own people. thee are here for your security. >> it is a short drive to the rahman family home. that's the family's house? >> yes. >> gol's brother habib took over the care of his brother's house when he disappeared. >> thank you, thank you. so this is gol's house and his wife and mother still live here and his four daughters, we're just trying to work out if we can speak to them on camera. eventually we're invited to come in with the camera. gol has been dead for more than a decade now but this seems like a house still in mourning. for gol's mother one of the most painful things is that her son didn't get a proper burial. she says the