dr. barrie sven. [applause] >> well, thank you very much, mayor farrell and director garcia and the city of san francisco for the opportunity to do this. i have been working with people experiencing homelessness in san francisco since 1991. my philosophy in this work is do what works, do what is needed. i didn't come into this work with a preconceived notion of what it is that is going to work. when we see what the problems are, then we develop what are the possible solutions? it doesn't feel like it's a great innovation to say if people are not able to come into a clinic let's go out and see them where they are. i think what feels like an ininnovation about that is many people have the pre conception or the stereo type that a person experiencing homelessness doesn't care about their health. a person with a substance use disorder isn't very concerned about their health. what we see, day after day, one person after another, is that people are deeply concerned about their health. they may have more comp