dr. bartlett writes back horrified that he actually had done that. and he says if i understood yor letter quickly from a friend in electronics rig and electroshock therapy ndu a treatment? jesus h christ, if that so you could have done a more terrifying thing. he gives me the horrors to think about it. that's an interesting -- is just so great that scholars, you know, established scholars, undergraduates, graduate students, even high school students can come here and read this. they have access to this original material that helps them really understand the published book. it's just very exciting to think about the kinds of research that can be done on this material that we have. included in the ken kesey papers is also all of the notes that he, the notes that survived when he was writing sometimes a great notion, and here are some examples of, he's working around the title that he wants to use. and then he hands all of these notes that he, these have survived in the collection. there are fewer notes for one flew over the cuckoos nesbit mini mini not