antineighborhood and we formed the network and the first year was a director of san francisco public health and dr. batia and we talked about planning and the perfect way to plan is go into a community and have input from the neighbors, the business people, the people that live and work there, what do they want? and i thought oh what a concept that is and it turned out anyone that studying planning is the concept gets the first year but they forget it when on the outside and influenced by other people is what i have been told. in any case it seems we had plang top down and certainly not bottom up until 2005 and my recollection is being at home and watching channel 26 and a meeting of the rules committee. three members. i forget who they were but chris daly's district and interviewing more than 20 people for the task force. let me say i think this project is fabulous. i think it serves as a protocol for a neighborhoods all over the country, not just this city, and i think the planning department is to be congratulated as all those that participated and given input and i hope this can serve some more good