dr. beth bell is the for emerging and infectious diseases.p next, we will be joined by houry, as well as her center's prevention work. president obama participated in a panel in atlanta. here is some of that discussion. lookdent obama: when you in terms of lives lost, productivity impacted, costs to communities, but most importantly the cost to families, from this epidemic of it has to be something right up there at the top of the radar screen. it is important to recognize that today, we are seeing more of opioidause overdose than traffic accidents. think about this. a lot of people tragically die of car accidents and we spend a lot of time and resources to reduce those fatalities. the good news is we have been very successful. traffic fatalities are much lower today than they were when i was a kid, because we systematically looked at the data and we looked at the science and we develop education and public that allowed us to be safer drivers. the problem is here, we have got a trip -- the trajectories going in the opposite direction. 2014, t