dr. birol, i was really interested in the information in your report about how global energy usese expt to increase by, i think it's 30% by 2040, which is the equivalent of adding another china and india to global demand. and also i remember reading that yet they're still significant portions of the world where people don't have access to electricity at all. there's this dramatic effect, the economy in terms of where people are. i'd like to hear your views -- dichotomy -- what countries can do to take advantage of this growth and demand. from a competitors perspective, positioned themselves and their economies, this relates to what you were just talking about, what countries can do to position themselves in their economies so that literally the trillions of dollars that will be invested, technology, countries can be well-positioned to be competitive in that arena. >> thank you very much work when we look at the investments in the next years to come, we see huge investment opportunities, especia