dr. blake waxman, ohio, i work at an urgent care, and many patients i see say they can't find a family practicer. president obama is correct, there will be more americans who have health care. unfortunately, there will not be many physicians around to see them. steve gallanio, concord, north carolina, we got a letter today saying that none of the carolina health care doctors will be in the obama care health insurance exchange, so we can't keep our doctor. and one says, the family premium insurance has risen 50% this year alone. one wrote, o'reilly thinks he is god, i don't think jesus would watch "fox news." surely bill you were not naive enough to think that they wouldn't take shots at you when you folltalked about jesus, i c follow the example of jesus and hammer those who demean sincere religious expression, in the temple, with the money changers. doug, from florida, as a jew i regard the mocking the temple as a disaster, i regard that in killing lincoln and kennedy. carolyn is a set-up letter, o'reilly, you may be catholic, but you're no christian. you're book is an aberration designed by t