dr. bonnie strickland, director of divisional services for children with special health care needs. mr. william ditto, director of the new jersey tbi division. new jersey board of health. dr. flora winston, children's hospital, philadelphia, and dr. mark ashley president of the center for neuroskills. your written testimony will be made part of the record and we ask that you summarize your opening statements in five minutes and dr. strickland, you are recognized at this time for five minutes to summarize and make your opening statement. >> chairman pitts, ranking member palome, thank you for the opportunity to testify on the traumatic brain injury programs. i am dr. bonnie strickland, director of the division of services for the maternal and child health bureau at the health resources, department of heath and human services. h rsa and hhs colleagues, and we welcome the opportunity to discuss the program with you and to provide highlights of other hhs activities. congress has charged hrsa with implementing your american indian consortia to improve access to rehabilitation and other servic