dr. bradley and dr. allen were from hawkeye's standpoint, we're offering waterloo and hawkeye credit for many of our programs. students get the opportunity for college credit towards a program at hawkeye and it helps them figuwe out that prram for when they do cide to ansfer to lauk ki, it's a better pai way. kids are better prepared. that's one of the things that hawkeye said this would help our enrollnt, but help students' completion rate. that's a big thing they think about. stududts start college and many students don't complete, but by having the base in high school, it really sets studnts up for success from the high school and from the college end. another great example, the program right now at hawkeye, they do offer a nursing assistant where our students go to hawkeye for that program, but it's so popular that there's always a waiting list. even hawke has a waitinin list for thatat program. if we can offer some of that in this new center, that will alleviate a little bit of that, but we also kno