dr. burman. >> thank you. cochair and commissioners, it is an honor to share thoughts with you today. i have submitted a longer statement for the record. i will summarize the key points of the two major arguments. first, to the question posed by the hearings title, arms security officers have been performing in afghanistan since before the definition of the basic functions of government. second, determine should ban the use of contractors for moving in combat zones. if the u.s. government is going to engage actively in countries where the lives of its personnel are at high risk, we will need to build up our in-house capacity to staff those missions appropriately. as i have argued elsewhere, it makes good sense for the government to harness the energy, efficiency, and bottom- up creativity of the private sector in as many ways as possible, up to the point where marked imperatives begin to undermine the public interest. we have reached such a tipping point in iraq and afghanistan. iraq and afghanis