dr. burnhart and the president of the 1925 golf street cooperation which is a cooperative building that extends into the park. i'm here to support the department of recreation and park to erect the 520 square foot building for storage and equipment in lafayette park. a properly designed, relative unob trusive building for the maintenance of the park. this building was reviewed at open public meetings, more than one. and there were a few, if any objections, either to the building itself, or its location. because of previous objections has now delayed things, as much as two months. this has greatly extended the period in which we have experienced a lot of dust, dirt, noise, and vibration of our building. we can no longer get a clear view out of our windows. we have increased dirt and dust in all of our surfaces. we know vibrations in our computers and desks and a dusty, dirty building is growing mold. so further delays in construction will only prolong our concerns, our problems and our discomforts. so i would urge that this project go forward with no further delays. thank you. >> thank you. next