dr. helen caldicott, a pediatrician and author. she offered a far more dire view o of fukushima's s heh impact soon after the disaster. dr. caldicott, fukushima--is it possibible to forecast the heaah conseququences to the japananese people, and on what scale are they likely to o materirialize? >> well, it's a guess, really, but i have been following itit extremely closely every day since the thing started. and i must say that two days after it began, i got this horrifying, horrifying vision and feeling ththat this was like descending into hell, and that there's nonothing anyone c could do abot or willll be able to dodo abouti and the e results s are irreversible. . i thoughght huns of thousands would die as a result of fukushima with cancer or leukemia, and--but it will also affect future generations down the timescale, both from the fact that the food and the ground in large areas of japan is heavily contaminated with isotopes that last for hundreds of years. so they re-concentrate back in the food chain continuously, so you neve