dr. carlota del portillo. [applause] you know, she's had a lot of firsts. [applause] she was the first latina president of the hoover mi firs president of the hoover middle school p.t.a. she was one of the first latinas to gain a doctorate in education from u.s.f. she was the first latina named to the civil service commission and the first latina named to the san francisco human rights commission by mayor dianne feinstein. in 1974 she was a member of the civil service commission and she cast the deciding vote to integrate women into the san francisco fire department. [applause] but she wasn't done there. she was the first latina to win a citywide election in san francisco without first being appointed to the position when she won her seat on the san francisco board of education in 1990. after her re-election in 1994, she served as vice president and then president of the board. she is a latina with the longest administrative tenure at city college of san francisco, having served as dean of the mission campus for 17 years. so please join me in recognizing dr