carr. the defense presented dr. furton who is experienced in this area, not as experienced as dr. vass, because dr. furton's area is in individual scents, the scents that you and i give off in life as individuals. some of the students study human decomposition. he admit thad the odor coming from the car was from human decomposition. he tried to present alternative sources of decomposition, such as milk or cheese. but ultimately he had to admit that the items that were in the car, that is the garbage, wasn't sufficient. i guess it was dr. huntington, the bug guy, who tried to talk about is there was maybe salami and remember i showed it to him, it was a piece of paper. dr. furton tried to talk about the cheese and the vel vitae packages. there was a tiny residue in it. and ultimately even he agreed that what was in that garbage was not sufficient. we have exploded the myth of the garbage as a source of this odor. even dr. furton admitted that, no, this garbage wasn't sufficient to give the odor that was found on these items and, in fact, the odor that was still present by the testi